• After initial diagnosis, it is time to prepare and protect the skin from the effects of chemotherapy and radiation.
  • During treatment, regular skincare sessions will work to maintain optimal levels of the skin by keeping skin moisturized, minimizing the effects of inflammation and sensitivity and by further protecting the skin’s natural barrier function.
  • Post treatment is the time to restore, replenish and renew the skin as cell regeneration is occurring once again.

Cancer treatment can cause a variety of changes in the skin including dryness, dehydration, redness, rashes and chemo-induced acne. In addition, some women may experience early menopause due to chemotherapy, surgery or other medical treatments, leading to thinning of the skin and loss of elasticity. Sun damage and hyperpigmentation (brown spots) may also appear during or after treatment.

Proper skin care from the start of treatment can help prevent or lessen some of these changes. Some of the benefits include increased circulation, improvement of dry and dehydrated skin, calm and sooth red, irritated skin. Gentle exfoliation with products suitable to the cancer patient can be included to remove dead skin cells and stimulate cell renewal, bringing a healthy glow to dull skin.

The benefits of a facial do go beyond the physical, including the benefits of providing healing touch, encouraging relaxation and helping the client to feel pampered. The gentle massage that can accompany an oncology-focused facial can be a great stress reducer, since the first place that stress shows up is often in our face.